SETDAB Stalking

What is stalking?
Stalking is a pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behavior which is intrusive and causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress.
Stalking is a criminal offence and anyone can be a victim. On average 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men will experience stalking in their adult life. It causes victims to make changes to their lives such as stopping or changing the way they socialise, changing their routes to work or isolating themselves. This in turn can have substantial adverse effects on mental and physical health.
Most victims know their stalker but the most common is the ‘ex-intimate’. These perpetrators have been in a previous relationship with the victim, usually abusive and controlling in nature. Stalking will begin once the relationship ends in an attempt to keep control.
A stalker will have little or no regard for their victim and boundaries no longer exist. Although victims ‘just want it to stop’, the words ‘no’ and ‘stop’ become meaningless to the stalker and typically the stalking behavior will escalate.
More information can be found on the SETDAB website by clicking here
SET DAB are currently offering Unmasking Stalking: Stalking Awareness Sessions. The audience for this is front line workers and managers - those who are working with families and perpetrators affected by domestic abuse.
The session will cover:-
- Defining Stalking and statistics
- Links with Femicide
- Criminalisation and Legislation
- Difference between Stalking and Coercive Control
- Typologies
- Case Study Video
- Joining the dots
- Behaviours
- Victim's voice/trauma
- Barriers for victims
- Advice for victims/survivors
Learning Outcomes:-
- Improve awareness and understanding around stalking
- Improve confidence in identifying and responding effectively to stalking at the earliest opportunity across agencies.
- Improve knowledge of services available
- For learning to be applied to practice within organisations
This session is available virtually as detailed below. Please click on the date that you would like to attend to book:-
More information can also be found on the SETDAB website.