Oakwood Place SARC

Oakwood Place SARC offers a comprehensive service for adults and children in Essex, who have experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse. Clients can access Oakwood Place via the Police and other professionals, as well as via the self-referral pathway (booking an appointment at the SARC, without police involvement).
At the SARC, individuals will be offered support and guidance, a medical assessment/treatment, a forensic examination, and the opportunity of aftercare referrals for support services. Clients will be offered these services based on their individual needs, and can choose to use as much or as little of the service as they wish.
For more information regarding what services the SARC can offer, please click here
Professionals - If would like to visit the SARC, please book onto one of their Open Days, more information can be found in the flyer below
SARC Professionals Open Day