Is your child being bullied?
Children who are being bullied often find it very difficult to tell anyone, because they believe things will get worse if the child doing the bullying finds out. They can feel ashamed and embarrassed about what is happening and this is what the bully relies on.
There are three widely acknowledged means of bullying:-
- Direct physical bullying - pushing, hitting, punching or kicking
- Direct verbal bullying - yelling abuse at another, name-calling, insulting someone or using verbal threats
- Indirect bullying - this can also be known as social bullying or relational bullying. This could be things like spreading rumors, social exclusion or disclosing another's secret to a third party.
Cyberbullying - this when a person or group or people uses the internet, mobile phones, online games or any other kind of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else. You can report any online abuse through the CEOP Website or by clicking on the icon below:-

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