Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership

Contextual Safeguarding/Risk in the Community:- An Introduction

Tuesday 14th December 2021

10:00 till 12:00

To be held via MS Teams

SET colleagues are pleased to offer practitioners the opportunity to attend the above webinar funded by the Violence and Vulnerabilities Unit.

This session, delivered by University of Bedfordshire, will provide a summary of adolescent development, extra-familial harm and the limitations of child protection systems in responding to this type of harm. We will introduce the Contextual Safeguarding Framework and consider emerging lessons and resources from test sites.

Learning outcomes

The session aims to provide participants with an introductory understanding of:-

  1. Adolescent development, extra-familial harm and the limitations of child protection.
  2. The Contextual Safeguarding Framework; including the four domains and the underpinning values.
  3. Practice implications - learning from test sites.

The session will also allow space for reflection and consideration of how you may apply contextual safeguarding approaches in your own practice.

To book onto this course, please click here

Website by Taylorfitch