SET Procedures

SET Child Protection Procedures - updates May 2022
The SET (Southend, Essex and Thurrock) Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures have been updated to reflect current practice and changes in legislation. The main changes to note are the following:-
- Procedures updated in line with changes to Working Together 2018 (updated Dec 2020).
- Part A, Chapter 7 - Allegations against people who work with children, has been updated in line with Working Together and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021.
- Part B, Chapter 19 - Perplexing Presentations and Fabricated or Induced Illness, has been re-written in line with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health guidance.
- Part B, Chapter 24 - Safeguarding Children from Exploitation, has been updated and links added to the SET Child Exploitation Partnership Pathway.
Whilst these are the main points, there is also a full list of changes with page numbers, should you require this which can be found here. The full set procedures are available here.
When do the updated procedures come into effect?
The new procedures come into effect from Wednesday 4th May. Can we please ask you to disregard any previous versions you may have saved.
We encourage all professionals or volunteers working with children and young people to familiarise themselves with the updated content, it is important to be comfortable with following the processes and understand what actions you need to take in various situations.
These procedures are a reference document, and we expect that you will refer to specific sections, rather than read it cover-to-cover.
If you would like to discuss the procedures in more detail, we suggest talking to your line manager in the first instance.