Introduction to Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Thurrock LSCP are committed to supporting practitioners and organisations to improve practice and achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people within the Borough.
Reviewing professional practice allows for identification of learning and best practice. Reviews can range from case audits through to Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews – formally known as Serious Case Reviews under the previous safeguarding arrangements. However, the purpose is the same, to identify how to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.
Working Together 2018 has clarified revised statutory requirements and is explicit regarding the purpose of Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews:-

Whilst the responsibility for learning from Serious Child Safeguarding incidents lies at a national level with the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (formerly The National Panel), at a local level, it is the local safeguarding partners who are responsible for making arrangements to identify and review serious child safeguarding cases and to ensure that the learning is shared appropriately.